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Have you considered tankless water heaters?

Tankless Water Heaters

At Donald A. Gardner Architects, Inc. there are two things we know our customers will always want:

1) Multiple Design Options  2) Access to Current Housing Trends

A tankless water heater, or demand water heater gives you both: it’s was one of the hottest, fastest-growing trends, and it gives our customers a design option that they may not have previously considered. It’s also a good way to save money every month on your water bill while being environmentally friendly.

As the name implies, a tankless water heater allows you to save on standby energy losses that are associated with storage water heaters. Instead, this water is heated on-demand by a gas, electric, or propane heating device that is automatically activated by the flow of water to heat a constant supply of water. That means no more waiting around for the storage tank to fill up with enough hot water.

10 Tips For Choosing The Right House Plan

Building your home is an exciting opportunity — because instead of trying to make an existing residence work for your lifestyle and needs, you get to handpick the best house plan to suit you.

House Plan The Carrera #1178

From knowing the numbers of bedrooms and bathrooms you’d like to deciding the preferred layout for your family’s needs, each decision goes back to finding the right house plan that works perfectly for you. Here are some tips to keep in mind: