Greenery as a Design Element | Bringing Nature Inside

Incorporating greenery into your home design can add freshness, color, and a sense of vitality to your space. By bringing greenery indoors, you can create a welcoming and vibrant environment that promotes relaxation, improves air quality, and enhances overall well-being. Here are several ways to bring nature inside and use greenery as a design element.

Greenery in The Sarafine house plan 1403-D.
The Sarafine Plan 1403-D

Building Green: A Guide to Sustainable Home Design

Building green involves incorporating sustainable practices and materials into the construction process to minimize environmental impact and maximize energy efficiency. Here are some tips for building green:

Building green - Solar panels on The Northwood house plan 209.
The Northwood Plan 209

Solar Panels: Solar panels are often installed on the roof to capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. This renewable energy source reduces reliance on fossil fuels and lowers electricity bills.